using DataFrames
n0 = readdlm("/home/starnesm/pi/solar/28-0215649a5cff.log");
n1 = readdlm("/home/starnesm/pi/solar/28-0215649a7aff.log");
# Would prefer to overload num2date but not sure how to.
num2date(l) = DateTime(l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4], l[5], l[6]) # Expects on line.
num2dateL(ls) = [num2date(ls[i, 1:6]) for i in (1:size(ls)[1])] # Expects lines.
using Gadfly
r3 = DataFrame(When = num2dateL(n0), T = n0[:, 8], group = "bot")
r3 = vcat(r3, DataFrame(When = num2dateL(n1), T = n1[:, 8], group = "top"))
plot(r3, x=:When, y=:T, color=:group, Geom.line, Guide.xticks(ticks=))
version 2: Python
import pandas
rt = "c:\\projects\\ipython\\" # cute. Windows is so messy.
with file("temps.txt", "r") as a:
b = a.readlines()
c = [d.split(" ") for d in b]
d = [[i[0], i[2], float(i[4])] for i in c]
e = pandas.DataFrame(d, columns=['Thermos', 'datetime', 'temps'])
[e[e.Thermos == i].temps.plot() for i in set(e.Thermos)]