Effect of flow on the acoustic resonances of an open-ended duct
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Volume 58, Issue 4, pp. 788-793 (October 1975)
Issue Date: October 1975
Acoustic waves in ducts with sinusoidally perturbed walls and mean flow
Nayfeh, A. H.
Acoustical Society of America, Journal, vol. 57, May 1975, p. 1036-1039.
Standing acoustic waves in a low Mach number shear flow
Wang, Meng; Kassoy, David R.
author = "Y. Yeh and H. Z. Cummins",
title = "Localised flow measurements with an He-Ne laser spectrometer",
journal = "Applied Physics Letters",
year = "1964",
volume = "4",
pages = "176",
note = "I can't get this one online",
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
DIsplay elements / polar setup, PAFEC

Copy the Python code into an interpreter, execute it. Copy the output to a NODES
section. First the display, then, an uncoupled BE, over a circular region, raised slightly from
c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
c Python script for node generation.
c from math import *
c def n():
c r, o, n0 = 0.025, [0, 0, 2E-3], 100 # radius, origin, 0th node.
c for i in xrange(360 + 1):
c x = o[0] + r * cos(0.5 * i * 2 * pi / 360)
c y = o[1] + 0
c z = o[2] + r * sin(0.5 * i * 2 * pi / 360)
c print n0 + i, x, y, z
c print n0 + i + 1, o[0] + r / 2, o[1], o[2]
c print n0 + i + 2, o[0] + r / 2, o[1], o[2] + r / 2
c print n0 + i + 3, o[0] + 0 / 2, o[1], o[2] + r / 2
c print n0 + i + 4, o[0] - r / 2, o[1], o[2] + r / 2
c print n0 + i + 5, o[0] - r / 2, o[1], o[2]
c print n0 + i + 6, o[0], o[1], o[2]
c print
c for i in xrange(360 + 1):
c x = o[0] + 0
c y = o[1] + r * cos(0.5 * i * 2 * pi / 360)
c z = o[2] + r * sin(0.5 * i * 2 * pi / 360)
c print 400 + n0 + i, x, y, z
c print 400 + n0 + i + 1, o[0], o[1] + r / 2, o[2]
c print 400 + n0 + i + 2, o[0], o[1] + r / 2, o[2] + r / 2
c print 400 + n0 + i + 3, o[0], o[1] + 0 / 2, o[2] + r / 2
c print 400 + n0 + i + 4, o[0], o[1] - r / 2, o[2] + r / 2
c print 400 + n0 + i + 5, o[0], o[1] - r / 2, o[2]
c print 400 + n0 + i + 6, o[0], o[1], o[2]
c print
c for i in xrange(360 + 1):
c x = o[0] + r * cos(0.5 * i * 2 * pi / 360)
c y = o[1] + r * sin(0.5 * i * 2 * pi / 360)
c z = o[2] + 0
c print 800 + n0 + i, x, y, z
c print 800 + n0 + i + 1, o[0] + r / 2, o[1], o[2]
c print 800 + n0 + i + 2, o[0] + r / 2, o[1] + r / 2, o[2]
c print 800 + n0 + i + 3, o[0] + 0 / 2, o[1] + r / 2, o[2]
c print 800 + n0 + i + 4, o[0] - r / 2, o[1] + r / 2, o[2]
c print 800 + n0 + i + 5, o[0] - r / 2, o[1], o[2]
c print 800 + n0 + i + 6, o[0], o[1], o[2]
1 1 24720 11 <'dm'> <'dm'> 462 190 461 100 0 0 145
2 1 24720 11 <'dm'> <'dm'> 280 190 463 462 235
3 1 24720 11 <'dm'> <'dm'> 370 280 464 463 325
4 1 24720 11 <'dm'> <'dm'> 370 464 460 465 0 415
5 1 24720 11 <'dm'> <'dm'> 463 462 466 461
6 1 24720 11 <'dm'> <'dm'> 464 463 465 466
7 2 24720 11 <'dm'> <'dm'> <462+400> <190+400> <461+400> <100+400> 0 0 <145+400>
8 2 24720 11 <'dm'> <'dm'> <280+400> <190+400> <463+400> <462+400> <235+400>
9 2 24720 11 <'dm'> <'dm'> <370+400> <280+400> <464+400> <463+400> <325+400>
10 2 24720 11 <'dm'> <'dm'> <370+400> <464+400> <460+400> <465+400> 0 <415+400>
11 2 24720 11 <'dm'> <'dm'> <463+400> <462+400> <466+400> <461+400>
12 2 24720 11 <'dm'> <'dm'> <464+400> <463+400> <465+400> <466+400>
c 13 3 24720 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> <462+800> <190+800> <461+800> <100+800> 0 0 <145+800>
c 14 3 24720 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> <280+800> <190+800> <463+800> <462+800> <235+800>
c 15 3 24720 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> <370+800> <280+800> <464+800> <463+800> <325+800>
c 16 3 24720 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> <370+800> <464+800> <460+800> <465+800> 0 <415+800>
c 17 3 24720 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> <463+800> <462+800> <466+800> <461+800>
c 18 3 24720 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> <464+800> <463+800> <465+800> <466+800>
c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
c BE
c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
c r, z0 = 4.75E-3, 1E-3
c def n2():
c for i in xrange(17):
c print i+1, r * cos (i/16. * 2 * pi), r * sin (i/16. * 2 * pi), z0
c print 17, r/2, 0, z0
c print 18, r/2, r/2, z0
c print 19, 0, r/2, z0
c print 20, -r/2, r/2, z0
c print 21, -r/2, 0, z0
c print 22, -r/2, -r/2, z0
c print 23, 0, -r/2, z0
c print 24, r/2, -r/2, z0
c print 25, 0, 0, z0
c for i in xrange(31, 46 + 1):
c print i, r * cos ((i - 31) / 16. * 2 * pi), r * sin ((i - 31) / 16. * 2 * pi), 0
c top face
4 24620 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> 18 3 17 1 0 0 2
4 24620 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> 5 3 19 18 4
4 24620 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> 7 5 20 19 6
4 24620 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> 7 20 9 21 0 8
4 24620 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> 9 21 11 22 0 10
4 24620 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> 22 23 11 13 0 0 0 12
4 24620 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> 23 24 13 15 0 0 0 14
4 24620 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> 17 1 24 15 0 0 16
4 24620 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> 19 18 25 17
4 24620 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> 20 19 21 25
4 24620 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> 21 25 22 23
4 24620 11 <'xm'> <'xm'> 25 17 23 24
c side face
4 24620 11 <'xm'> 1 1 3 31 33 2 0 0 32
4 24620 11 <'xm'> 1 <1+1*2> <3+1*2> <31+1*2> <33+1*2> <2+1*2> 0 0 <32+1*2>
4 24620 11 <'xm'> 1 <1+2*2> <3+2*2> <31+2*2> <33+2*2> <2+2*2> 0 0 <32+2*2>
4 24620 11 <'xm'> 1 <1+3*2> <3+3*2> <31+3*2> <33+3*2> <2+3*2> 0 0 <32+3*2>
4 24620 11 <'xm'> 1 <1+4*2> <3+4*2> <31+4*2> <33+4*2> <2+4*2> 0 0 <32+4*2>
4 24620 11 <'xm'> 1 <1+5*2> <3+5*2> <31+5*2> <33+5*2> <2+5*2> 0 0 <32+5*2>
4 24620 11 <'xm'> 1 <1+6*2> <3+6*2> <31+6*2> <33+6*2> <2+6*2> 0 0 <32+6*2>
4 24620 11 <'xm'> 1 <1+7*2> 1 <31+7*2> 31 <2+7*2> 0 0 <32+7*2>
An alternative approach is to get PAFEC to generate the
nodes, and use triangles.
c polar extraction. Define three nodes, for arc definition. 1 node per dgree.
300 3 0.018 0 c on axis.
345 3 0.018 45
390 3 0.018 90 c 90 degrees off axis
391 3 0.000 0 c on axis, 0 radius, for display elements.
300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309
* 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319
* 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329
* 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339
* 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349
* 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359
* 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369
* 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379
* 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389
* 390
c observation elements.
56 2 7 24710 13 15 15 15 391 300 390 0 345
Monday, 30 March 2009
translating nodes in PAFEC
Given a data file, with nodes defined:
a = file('ct1b.DAT')
b = a.readlines()
c = b[36:500] # only node entries
d = [i.strip('\n').split(' ') for i in c]
e = []
for i in d:
tmp = [float(j) for j in i]
f = array(e)
f[:, 2] = f[:, 2] + 0.001 # apply offset
for i in f:
print str(i).strip('[]') # copy and paste.
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Formatting in this blog
Leading spaces tend to be lost. Add < p r e > to the start, and < / p r e > to the end, to preserve them.
Python scripts called from $
An example:
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Executed, only if called from command line.
args = sys.argv
if len(args) == 1:
print 'No argument specified. call as filename.py'
print 'Argument(s) provided: ', args
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
PGFplots error bars.
Building Engrid on Ubuntu Hardy
from https://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=engrid-users&max_rows=100&style=nested&viewmonth=200903&viewday=3
First, make sure you have the build dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libvtk5 libvtk5-dev libvtk5-qt4 libvtk5-qt4-dev
Second, if you have qt3 dev files installed too, there might be a
conflict with qmake-qt3. So just run one of the following commands:
(I used the second command on my laptop. I'm not sure if the first one
works, but it should based on what I've read.)
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/qmake qmake "/usr/bin/qmake-qt4"
"50" --slave /usr/share/man/man1/qmake.1.gz qmake.1.gz
ln -sf /usr/bin/qmake-qt4 /usr/bin/qmake
To make sure the rest will work, check that /usr/bin/qmake is a link to
[29][~]$ ls -l /usr/bin/qmake
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Mar 3 12:04 /usr/bin/qmake -> /usr/bin/qmake-qt4
Check out the CVS:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@en...:/cvsroot/engrid login
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@en...:/cvsroot/engrid co src
cd src
Then you'll need to set up the environment before running qmake:
export VTKLIBDIR=/usr/lib/
export VTKINCDIR=/usr/include/vtk-5.0/
/I wrote a convenience script for this, which you can use instead if you
source ./setup_paths.sh ubuntu
And finally, build netgen and engrid:
Following an email from Oliver Gloth, I needed to re-compile. I did this,
export VTKLIBDIR=/usr/lib/
export VTKINCDIR=/usr/include/vtk-5.0/
and in ~/downloads/newengrid/src/
make clean
First, make sure you have the build dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libvtk5 libvtk5-dev libvtk5-qt4 libvtk5-qt4-dev
Second, if you have qt3 dev files installed too, there might be a
conflict with qmake-qt3. So just run one of the following commands:
(I used the second command on my laptop. I'm not sure if the first one
works, but it should based on what I've read.)
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/qmake qmake "/usr/bin/qmake-qt4"
"50" --slave /usr/share/man/man1/qmake.1.gz qmake.1.gz
ln -sf /usr/bin/qmake-qt4 /usr/bin/qmake
To make sure the rest will work, check that /usr/bin/qmake is a link to
[29][~]$ ls -l /usr/bin/qmake
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Mar 3 12:04 /usr/bin/qmake -> /usr/bin/qmake-qt4
Check out the CVS:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@en...:/cvsroot/engrid login
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@en...:/cvsroot/engrid co src
cd src
Then you'll need to set up the environment before running qmake:
export VTKLIBDIR=/usr/lib/
export VTKINCDIR=/usr/include/vtk-5.0/
/I wrote a convenience script for this, which you can use instead if you
source ./setup_paths.sh ubuntu
And finally, build netgen and engrid:
Following an email from Oliver Gloth, I needed to re-compile. I did this,
export VTKLIBDIR=/usr/lib/
export VTKINCDIR=/usr/include/vtk-5.0/
and in ~/downloads/newengrid/src/
make clean
Sunday, 22 March 2009
To get:
AUTHOR = "G. Schewe",
TITLE = "On the force oscillations acting on a circular cylinder in
crossflow from subcritical up to transcritical Reynolds numbers",
YEAR = "1983",
JOURNAL = "J. Fluid Mech",
VOLUME = "133",
PAGES = "265--285",
NOTES = "From art:Travin. Domain length. Couldn't get this, paper copy?",
AUTHOR = "G. Schewe",
TITLE = "On the force oscillations acting on a circular cylinder in
crossflow from subcritical up to transcritical Reynolds numbers",
YEAR = "1983",
JOURNAL = "J. Fluid Mech",
VOLUME = "133",
PAGES = "265--285",
NOTES = "From art:Travin. Domain length. Couldn't get this, paper copy?",
Monday, 16 March 2009
String table to list
a = file('filename')
b = a.readlines()
c = b[3:86] # extract relevant rows
# list of lists, assuming space separated values, stripping
# empty strings.
d = [[j for j in i.split(' ') if j != ''] for i in c] # lists of strings
d = [[float(j) for j in i.split(' ') if j != ''] for i in c] # lists of floats
d can be converted to an array, if desired. :)
b = a.readlines()
c = b[3:86] # extract relevant rows
# list of lists, assuming space separated values, stripping
# empty strings.
d = [[j for j in i.split(' ') if j != ''] for i in c] # lists of strings
d = [[float(j) for j in i.split(' ') if j != ''] for i in c] # lists of floats
d can be converted to an array, if desired. :)
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
list - continuous file cat
# Display the file provided as filename, every second.
while [ 1 ]
cat $1
sleep 1
# Display the file provided as filename, every second.
while [ 1 ]
cat $1
sleep 1
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Superimposed plots.

I was so amazed by this accident, I noted it:
\begin{figure}[htbp]\begin{center} % pressure vs x.
\tikzstyle{every axis legend}+= [at={(0.98,0.02)},anchor=south east] % im is 0,0 to 1,1
ymin = 30, ymax = 300000,
xlabel={$x/l$}, ylabel={$|p|$},grid=major]
% Peak search, so use last entry:
% m95acoub3 = mfile.File('m95acoub3.res'); m95acoub3.load()
% m95acoub5 = mfile.File('m95acoub5.res'); m95acoub5.load()
% r1 = m95acoub3.calc_PvX(findex=[-2 + -1*1j], y = -0.005, z = 0)
% r2 = m95acoub5.calc_PvX(findex=[-2 + -1*1j], y = 0, z = 0)
% tmp = reference.dumptex(r1[0] / 0.05, abs(r1[1]))
% tmp = reference.dumptex(r2[0] / 0.05, abs(r2[1]))
% 0 flow:
\addplot[color = black] plot coordinates {(-5.00000e-01,4.68522e+03) (-4.87180e-01,6.14709e+03) (-4.74360e-01,7.63048e+03) (-4.61540e-01,9.06362e+03) (-4.48720e-01,1.04245e+04) (-4.35900e-01,1.17104e+04) (-4.23080e-01,1.29284e+04) (-4.10260e-01,1.40937e+04) (-3.97440e-01,1.52292e+04) (-3.84620e-01,1.63611e+04) (-3.71800e-01,1.75145e+04) (-3.58980e-01,1.87069e+04) (-3.46160e-01,1.99447e+04) (-3.33340e-01,2.12216e+04) (-3.20520e-01,2.25230e+04) (-3.07700e-01,2.38275e+04) (-2.94880e-01,2.51120e+04) (-2.82060e-01,2.63557e+04) (-2.69240e-01,2.75383e+04) (-2.56420e-01,2.86456e+04) (-2.43580e-01,2.96665e+04) (-2.30760e-01,3.05936e+04) (-2.17940e-01,3.14303e+04) (-2.05120e-01,3.21815e+04) (-1.92300e-01,3.28633e+04) (-1.79480e-01,3.34925e+04) (-1.66660e-01,3.40869e+04) (-1.53840e-01,3.46601e+04) (-1.41020e-01,3.52191e+04) (-1.28200e-01,3.57652e+04) (-1.15380e-01,3.62941e+04) (-1.02560e-01,3.67997e+04) (-8.97400e-02,3.72757e+04) (-7.69200e-02,3.77161e+04) (-6.41000e-02,3.81118e+04) (-5.12800e-02,3.84556e+04) (-3.84600e-02,3.87364e+04) (-2.56400e-02,3.89444e+04) (-1.28200e-02,3.90741e+04) (0.00000e+00,3.91589e+04) (1.28200e-02,3.90741e+04) (2.56400e-02,3.89444e+04) (3.84600e-02,3.87364e+04) (5.12800e-02,3.84556e+04) (6.41000e-02,3.81118e+04) (7.69200e-02,3.77161e+04) (8.97400e-02,3.72757e+04) (1.02560e-01,3.67997e+04) (1.15380e-01,3.62941e+04) (1.28200e-01,3.57652e+04) (1.41020e-01,3.52191e+04) (1.53840e-01,3.46601e+04) (1.66660e-01,3.40869e+04) (1.79480e-01,3.34925e+04) (1.92300e-01,3.28633e+04) (2.05120e-01,3.21815e+04) (2.17940e-01,3.14303e+04) (2.30760e-01,3.05936e+04) (2.43580e-01,2.96665e+04) (2.56420e-01,2.86456e+04) (2.69240e-01,2.75383e+04) (2.82060e-01,2.63557e+04) (2.94880e-01,2.51120e+04) (3.07700e-01,2.38275e+04) (3.20520e-01,2.25230e+04) (3.33340e-01,2.12216e+04) (3.46160e-01,1.99447e+04) (3.58980e-01,1.87069e+04) (3.71800e-01,1.75145e+04) (3.84620e-01,1.63611e+04) (3.97440e-01,1.52292e+04) (4.10260e-01,1.40937e+04) (4.23080e-01,1.29284e+04) (4.35900e-01,1.17104e+04) (4.48720e-01,1.04245e+04) (4.61540e-01,9.06362e+03) (4.74360e-01,7.63048e+03) (4.87180e-01,6.14709e+03) (5.00000e-01,4.68522e+03)};
\addplot[color = red] plot coordinates {(-5.00000e-01,3.32899e+02) (-4.87180e-01,3.99514e+02) (-4.74360e-01,4.43786e+02) (-4.61540e-01,4.56559e+02) (-4.48720e-01,4.35594e+02) (-4.35900e-01,3.85809e+02) (-4.23080e-01,3.19156e+02) (-4.10260e-01,2.58352e+02) (-3.97440e-01,2.36882e+02) (-3.84620e-01,2.68063e+02) (-3.71800e-01,3.22661e+02) (-3.58980e-01,3.67617e+02) (-3.46160e-01,3.83471e+02) (-3.33340e-01,3.60929e+02) (-3.20520e-01,2.98806e+02) (-3.07700e-01,2.07038e+02) (-2.94880e-01,1.35031e+02) (-2.82060e-01,2.02836e+02) (-2.69240e-01,3.54802e+02) (-2.56420e-01,5.19014e+02) (-2.43580e-01,6.72321e+02) (-2.30760e-01,8.02972e+02) (-2.17940e-01,9.05292e+02) (-2.05120e-01,9.78824e+02) (-1.92300e-01,1.02744e+03) (-1.79480e-01,1.05767e+03) (-1.66660e-01,1.07661e+03) (-1.53840e-01,1.09065e+03) (-1.41020e-01,1.10627e+03) (-1.28200e-01,1.13312e+03) (-1.15380e-01,1.18722e+03) (-1.02560e-01,1.28987e+03) (-8.97400e-02,1.45928e+03) (-7.69200e-02,1.70049e+03) (-6.41000e-02,2.00269e+03) (-5.12800e-02,2.34454e+03) (-3.84600e-02,2.70219e+03) (-2.56400e-02,3.06038e+03) (-1.28200e-02,3.41724e+03) (0.00000e+00,4.35428e+03) (1.28200e-02,3.46603e+03) (2.56400e-02,3.23861e+03) (3.84600e-02,3.04073e+03) (5.12800e-02,2.82875e+03) (6.41000e-02,2.58640e+03) (7.69200e-02,2.31553e+03) (8.97400e-02,2.02851e+03) (1.02560e-01,1.74376e+03) (1.15380e-01,1.47984e+03) (1.28200e-01,1.25361e+03) (1.41020e-01,1.08218e+03) (1.53840e-01,9.89661e+02) (1.66660e-01,1.00326e+03) (1.79480e-01,1.12870e+03) (1.92300e-01,1.33752e+03) (2.05120e-01,1.58679e+03) (2.17940e-01,1.83747e+03) (2.30760e-01,2.06103e+03) (2.43580e-01,2.23955e+03) (2.56420e-01,2.36536e+03) (2.69240e-01,2.43945e+03) (2.82060e-01,2.46702e+03) (2.94880e-01,2.45381e+03) (3.07700e-01,2.40274e+03) (3.20520e-01,2.31495e+03) (3.33340e-01,2.19285e+03) (3.46160e-01,2.04782e+03) (3.58980e-01,1.90509e+03) (3.71800e-01,1.80440e+03) (3.84620e-01,1.78480e+03) (3.97440e-01,1.85723e+03) (4.10260e-01,1.99089e+03) (4.23080e-01,2.13114e+03) (4.35900e-01,2.22497e+03) (4.48720e-01,2.23423e+03) (4.61540e-01,2.13874e+03) (4.74360e-01,1.93600e+03) (4.87180e-01,1.64131e+03) (5.00000e-01,1.30148e+03)};
\end{semilogyaxis} %\end{tikzpicture}% }
% \tikzstyle{every axis legend}+= [at={(0.02,0.02)},anchor=north west] % im is 0,0 to 1,1
% \begin{tikzpicture}
axis x line=middle,
axis y line=right,
ytick ={-3.14, -1.57, 1.57, 3.14},
yticklabels={$-\pi$, $-\frac{\pi}{2}$, $\frac{\pi}{2}$ , $\pi$},
ymin=-3.14, ymax=3.14]
% use code above, but with reference.ang() instead of abs()
% tmp = reference.dumptex(r1[0] / 0.05, reference.ang(r1[1]))
% tmp = reference.dumptex(r2[0] / 0.05, reference.ang(r2[1]))
\addplot[color = black] plot coordinates {(-5.00000e-01,-2.35766e+00) (-4.87180e-01,-2.06355e+00) (-4.74360e-01,-1.96624e+00) (-4.61540e-01,-1.91584e+00) (-4.48720e-01,-1.88530e+00) (-4.35900e-01,-1.86182e+00) (-4.23080e-01,-1.83907e+00) (-4.10260e-01,-1.81398e+00) (-3.97440e-01,-1.78565e+00) (-3.84620e-01,-1.75475e+00) (-3.71800e-01,-1.72302e+00) (-3.58980e-01,-1.69275e+00) (-3.46160e-01,-1.66619e+00) (-3.33340e-01,-1.64511e+00) (-3.20520e-01,-1.63043e+00) (-3.07700e-01,-1.62221e+00) (-2.94880e-01,-1.61967e+00) (-2.82060e-01,-1.62138e+00) (-2.69240e-01,-1.62554e+00) (-2.56420e-01,-1.63023e+00) (-2.43580e-01,-1.63363e+00) (-2.30760e-01,-1.63427e+00) (-2.17940e-01,-1.63116e+00) (-2.05120e-01,-1.62398e+00) (-1.92300e-01,-1.61300e+00) (-1.79480e-01,-1.59916e+00) (-1.66660e-01,-1.58387e+00) (-1.53840e-01,-1.56879e+00) (-1.41020e-01,-1.55562e+00) (-1.28200e-01,-1.54576e+00) (-1.15380e-01,-1.54012e+00) (-1.02560e-01,-1.53894e+00) (-8.97400e-02,-1.54179e+00) (-7.69200e-02,-1.54763e+00) (-6.41000e-02,-1.55491e+00) (-5.12800e-02,-1.56180e+00) (-3.84600e-02,-1.56638e+00) (-2.56400e-02,-1.56653e+00) (-1.28200e-02,-1.56033e+00) (0.00000e+00,-1.52345e+00) (1.28200e-02,-1.56033e+00) (2.56400e-02,-1.56653e+00) (3.84600e-02,-1.56638e+00) (5.12800e-02,-1.56180e+00) (6.41000e-02,-1.55491e+00) (7.69200e-02,-1.54763e+00) (8.97400e-02,-1.54179e+00) (1.02560e-01,-1.53894e+00) (1.15380e-01,-1.54012e+00) (1.28200e-01,-1.54576e+00) (1.41020e-01,-1.55562e+00) (1.53840e-01,-1.56879e+00) (1.66660e-01,-1.58387e+00) (1.79480e-01,-1.59916e+00) (1.92300e-01,-1.61300e+00) (2.05120e-01,-1.62398e+00) (2.17940e-01,-1.63116e+00) (2.30760e-01,-1.63427e+00) (2.43580e-01,-1.63363e+00) (2.56420e-01,-1.63023e+00) (2.69240e-01,-1.62554e+00) (2.82060e-01,-1.62138e+00) (2.94880e-01,-1.61967e+00) (3.07700e-01,-1.62221e+00) (3.20520e-01,-1.63043e+00) (3.33340e-01,-1.64511e+00) (3.46160e-01,-1.66619e+00) (3.58980e-01,-1.69275e+00) (3.71800e-01,-1.72302e+00) (3.84620e-01,-1.75475e+00) (3.97440e-01,-1.78565e+00) (4.10260e-01,-1.81398e+00) (4.23080e-01,-1.83907e+00) (4.35900e-01,-1.86182e+00) (4.48720e-01,-1.88530e+00) (4.61540e-01,-1.91584e+00) (4.74360e-01,-1.96624e+00) (4.87180e-01,-2.06355e+00) (5.00000e-01,-2.35766e+00)};
\addplot[color = red] plot coordinates {(-5.00000e-01,-2.39191e+00) (-4.87180e-01,-1.97905e+00) (-4.74360e-01,-1.76609e+00) (-4.61540e-01,-1.59365e+00) (-4.48720e-01,-1.42560e+00) (-4.35900e-01,-1.22937e+00) (-4.23080e-01,-9.60545e-01) (-4.10260e-01,-5.52966e-01) (-3.97440e-01,3.70743e-03) (-3.84620e-01,5.21654e-01) (-3.71800e-01,8.75260e-01) (-3.58980e-01,1.11347e+00) (-3.46160e-01,1.29731e+00) (-3.33340e-01,1.46845e+00) (-3.20520e-01,1.67124e+00) (-3.07700e-01,2.01168e+00) (-2.94880e-01,2.86206e+00) (-2.82060e-01,-2.38036e+00) (-2.69240e-01,-1.95842e+00) (-2.56420e-01,-1.74308e+00) (-2.43580e-01,-1.58899e+00) (-2.30760e-01,-1.45615e+00) (-2.17940e-01,-1.33003e+00) (-2.05120e-01,-1.20522e+00) (-1.92300e-01,-1.08143e+00) (-1.79480e-01,-9.62879e-01) (-1.66660e-01,-8.57926e-01) (-1.53840e-01,-7.78091e-01) (-1.41020e-01,-7.35771e-01) (-1.28200e-01,-7.40577e-01) (-1.15380e-01,-7.93814e-01) (-1.02560e-01,-8.82979e-01) (-8.97400e-02,-9.83297e-01) (-7.69200e-02,-1.07004e+00) (-6.41000e-02,-1.12958e+00) (-5.12800e-02,-1.15916e+00) (-3.84600e-02,-1.16048e+00) (-2.56400e-02,-1.13204e+00) (-1.28200e-02,-1.07213e+00) (0.00000e+00,-8.08752e-01) (1.28200e-02,-1.18037e+00) (2.56400e-02,-1.35573e+00) (3.84600e-02,-1.49900e+00) (5.12800e-02,-1.61245e+00) (6.41000e-02,-1.70161e+00) (7.69200e-02,-1.76987e+00) (8.97400e-02,-1.82208e+00) (1.02560e-01,-1.86644e+00) (1.15380e-01,-1.91748e+00) (1.28200e-01,-1.99847e+00) (1.41020e-01,-2.13984e+00) (1.53840e-01,-2.36301e+00) (1.66660e-01,-2.64648e+00) (1.79480e-01,-2.92612e+00) (1.92300e-01,3.12351e+00) (2.05120e-01,2.93364e+00) (2.17940e-01,2.76916e+00) (2.30760e-01,2.61402e+00) (2.43580e-01,2.45740e+00) (2.56420e-01,2.29278e+00) (2.69240e-01,2.11678e+00) (2.82060e-01,1.92846e+00) (2.94880e-01,1.72840e+00) (3.07700e-01,1.51731e+00) (3.20520e-01,1.29426e+00) (3.33340e-01,1.05504e+00) (3.46160e-01,7.91544e-01) (3.58980e-01,4.94245e-01) (3.71800e-01,1.60178e-01) (3.84620e-01,-1.94055e-01) (3.97440e-01,-5.32686e-01) (4.10260e-01,-8.25365e-01) (4.23080e-01,-1.06481e+00) (4.35900e-01,-1.26019e+00) (4.48720e-01,-1.42583e+00) (4.61540e-01,-1.57719e+00) (4.74360e-01,-1.73328e+00) (4.87180e-01,-1.92784e+00) (5.00000e-01,-2.31238e+00) };
% share the legend with the previous plot.
\end{axis} \end{tikzpicture}
\caption{blah blah}
\label{fig:m95acou4b_pvx} \end{center} \end{figure}
Dual axis:
%$ phd
%import mfile
%a = mfile.catFile('axibal8f.n100pre', f0=30000, f1 = 40000, n = 200) # pre.
%b = mfile.catFile('axibal8g.n100pre', f0=30000, f1 = 40000, n = 200) # pre.
%c = mfile.catFile('axibal8h.n100pre', f0=30000, f1 = 40000, n = 200) # pre.
%plot (a.f, 20 * log10(1./ 20E-6 * abs(a.h[:, 1] + 1j * a.h[:, 2])))
%plot (b.f, 20 * log10(1./ 20E-6 * abs(b.h[:, 1] + 1j * b.h[:, 2])))
%plot (c.f, 20 * log10(1./ 20E-6 * abs(c.h[:, 1] + 1j * c.h[:, 2])))
%tmp = reference.dumptex(a.f, 20 * log10(1./ 20E-6 * abs(a.h[:, 1] + 1j * a.h[:, 2])))
%tmp = reference.dumptex(b.f, 20 * log10(1./ 20E-6 * abs(b.h[:, 1] + 1j * b.h[:, 2])))
%tmp = reference.dumptex(c.f, 20 * log10(1./ 20E-6 * abs(c.h[:, 1] + 1j * c.h[:, 2])))
\subfigure[SPL midway between duct centre and duct exit, for different
boundary conditions.] {
\tikzstyle{every axis legend}+= [at={(0.98,0.02)},anchor=south east] % im is 0,0 to 1,1
% second axis. Do NOT USE scale only axis; it changes the x-axis scaling.
separate axis lines,
every outer x axis line/.append style={white}, % YES! no more messy axes
xmin = 30000, xmax=36000, ymin = 75, ymax = 125,
axis y line = none, axis x line = top, %y = 1.565cm
xlabel = $f/f_{0}$,
%xlabel style = {xshift = -10pt, yshift = -200pt},
xtick ={34400},
xticklabels={ $1$ }
xmin = 30000, xmax=36000, ymin = 75, ymax = 125,
xlabel={$f\,(Hz)$}, ylabel={SPL, $1\,V$, node 100}, grid=major]
\addplot[color = blue] plot coordinates {(3.00000e+04,8.16458e+01) (3.00500e+04,8.16237e+01) (3.01000e+04,8.15471e+01) (3.01500e+04,8.14818e+01) (3.02000e+04,8.15464e+01) (3.02500e+04,8.17223e+01) (3.03000e+04,8.19624e+01) (3.03500e+04,8.22124e+01) (3.04000e+04,8.24467e+01) (3.04500e+04,8.26550e+01) (3.05000e+04,8.28321e+01) (3.05500e+04,8.29803e+01) (3.06000e+04,8.31159e+01) (3.06500e+04,8.33246e+01) (3.07000e+04,8.41081e+01) (3.07500e+04,8.73834e+01) (3.08000e+04,8.78410e+01) (3.08500e+04,8.62150e+01) (3.09000e+04,8.54417e+01) (3.09500e+04,8.50057e+01) (3.10000e+04,8.46768e+01) (3.10500e+04,8.43373e+01) (3.11000e+04,8.39853e+01) (3.11500e+04,8.34931e+01) (3.12000e+04,8.27632e+01) (3.12500e+04,8.15285e+01) (3.13000e+04,7.90764e+01) (3.13500e+04,7.90075e+01) (3.14000e+04,9.80799e+01) (3.14500e+04,9.49825e+01) (3.15000e+04,9.12996e+01) (3.15500e+04,8.98744e+01) (3.16000e+04,8.91425e+01) (3.16500e+04,8.87113e+01) (3.17000e+04,8.84340e+01) (3.17500e+04,8.82469e+01) (3.18000e+04,8.81319e+01) (3.18500e+04,8.81045e+01) (3.19000e+04,8.81842e+01) (3.19500e+04,8.83483e+01) (3.20000e+04,8.85389e+01) (3.20500e+04,8.87148e+01) (3.21000e+04,8.88605e+01) (3.21500e+04,8.89807e+01) (3.22000e+04,8.90576e+01) (3.22500e+04,8.90137e+01) (3.23000e+04,8.84688e+01) (3.23500e+04,8.94283e+01) (3.24000e+04,8.96744e+01) (3.24500e+04,8.98130e+01) (3.25000e+04,8.99482e+01) (3.25500e+04,9.00935e+01) (3.26000e+04,9.02567e+01) (3.26500e+04,9.04471e+01) (3.27000e+04,9.06757e+01) (3.27500e+04,9.09537e+01) (3.28000e+04,9.12862e+01) (3.28500e+04,9.16551e+01) (3.29000e+04,9.20049e+01) (3.29500e+04,9.22538e+01) (3.30000e+04,9.23359e+01) (3.30500e+04,9.22364e+01) (3.31000e+04,9.19829e+01) (3.31500e+04,9.16198e+01) (3.32000e+04,9.11927e+01) (3.32500e+04,9.07430e+01) (3.33000e+04,9.03041e+01) (3.33500e+04,8.98974e+01) (3.34000e+04,8.94658e+01) (3.34500e+04,8.91212e+01) (3.35000e+04,8.88071e+01) (3.35500e+04,8.85331e+01) (3.36000e+04,8.83818e+01) (3.36500e+04,8.86569e+01) (3.37000e+04,9.00487e+01) (3.37500e+04,9.29449e+01) (3.38000e+04,9.61772e+01) (3.38500e+04,9.80586e+01) (3.39000e+04,9.86011e+01) (3.39500e+04,9.87158e+01) (3.40000e+04,9.88505e+01) (3.40500e+04,9.90692e+01) (3.41000e+04,9.92993e+01) (3.41500e+04,9.94409e+01) (3.42000e+04,9.95139e+01) (3.42500e+04,9.96600e+01) (3.43000e+04,9.99961e+01) (3.43500e+04,1.00558e+02) (3.44000e+04,1.01338e+02) (3.44500e+04,1.02347e+02) (3.45000e+04,1.03564e+02) (3.45500e+04,1.05161e+02) (3.46000e+04,1.05987e+02) (3.46500e+04,1.07820e+02) (3.47000e+04,1.11206e+02) (3.47500e+04,1.14916e+02) (3.48000e+04,1.15706e+02) (3.48500e+04,1.12591e+02) (3.49000e+04,1.09531e+02) (3.49500e+04,1.07248e+02) (3.50000e+04,1.05567e+02) (3.50500e+04,1.04320e+02) (3.51000e+04,1.03394e+02) (3.51500e+04,1.02704e+02) (3.52000e+04,1.02202e+02) (3.52500e+04,1.01845e+02) (3.53000e+04,1.01604e+02) (3.53500e+04,1.01458e+02) (3.54000e+04,1.01391e+02) (3.54500e+04,1.01390e+02) (3.55000e+04,1.01449e+02) (3.55500e+04,1.01562e+02) (3.56000e+04,1.01717e+02) (3.56500e+04,1.01946e+02) (3.57000e+04,1.02260e+02) (3.57500e+04,1.02727e+02) (3.58000e+04,1.03522e+02) (3.58500e+04,1.05173e+02) (3.59000e+04,1.10286e+02) (3.59500e+04,9.96446e+01) (3.60000e+04,1.07120e+02) (3.60500e+04,1.08194e+02) (3.61000e+04,1.08349e+02) (3.61500e+04,1.08400e+02) (3.62000e+04,1.08421e+02) (3.62500e+04,1.08353e+02) (3.63000e+04,1.08128e+02) (3.63500e+04,1.07713e+02) (3.64000e+04,1.07111e+02) (3.64500e+04,1.06357e+02) (3.65000e+04,1.05499e+02) (3.65500e+04,1.04590e+02) (3.66000e+04,1.03670e+02) (3.66500e+04,1.02770e+02) (3.67000e+04,1.02038e+02) (3.67500e+04,1.01246e+02) (3.68000e+04,1.00520e+02) (3.68500e+04,9.98677e+01) (3.69000e+04,9.92952e+01) (3.69500e+04,9.88131e+01) (3.70000e+04,9.84387e+01) (3.70500e+04,9.82052e+01) (3.71000e+04,9.81734e+01) (3.71500e+04,9.84498e+01) (3.72000e+04,9.92163e+01) (3.72500e+04,1.00655e+02) (3.73000e+04,1.01671e+02) (3.73500e+04,9.82344e+01) (3.74000e+04,9.38082e+01) (3.74500e+04,9.20443e+01) (3.75000e+04,9.24560e+01) (3.75500e+04,9.38404e+01) (3.76000e+04,9.56495e+01) (3.76500e+04,9.77052e+01) (3.77000e+04,9.98974e+01) (3.77500e+04,1.02071e+02) (3.78000e+04,1.04039e+02) (3.78500e+04,1.05575e+02) (3.79000e+04,1.06686e+02) (3.79500e+04,1.07504e+02) (3.80000e+04,1.08192e+02) (3.80500e+04,1.08868e+02) (3.81000e+04,1.09598e+02) (3.81500e+04,1.10423e+02) (3.82000e+04,1.11368e+02) (3.82500e+04,1.12464e+02) (3.83000e+04,1.13752e+02) (3.83500e+04,1.15302e+02) (3.84000e+04,1.17232e+02) (3.84500e+04,1.19748e+02) (3.85000e+04,1.23088e+02) (3.85500e+04,1.27522e+02) (3.86000e+04,1.35797e+02) (3.86500e+04,1.27411e+02) (3.87000e+04,1.22159e+02) (3.87500e+04,1.18706e+02) (3.88000e+04,1.16133e+02) (3.88500e+04,1.14052e+02) (3.89000e+04,1.12292e+02) (3.89500e+04,1.10775e+02) (3.90000e+04,1.09488e+02) (3.90500e+04,1.08432e+02) (3.91000e+04,1.07610e+02) (3.91500e+04,1.07025e+02) (3.92000e+04,1.06663e+02) (3.92500e+04,1.06491e+02) (3.93000e+04,1.06449e+02) (3.93500e+04,1.06470e+02) (3.94000e+04,1.06498e+02) (3.94500e+04,1.06504e+02) (3.95000e+04,1.06482e+02) (3.95500e+04,1.06443e+02) (3.96000e+04,1.06405e+02) (3.96500e+04,1.06382e+02) (3.97000e+04,1.06387e+02) (3.97500e+04,1.06416e+02) (3.98000e+04,1.06453e+02) (3.98500e+04,1.06457e+02) (3.99000e+04,1.06360e+02) (3.99500e+04,1.06084e+02) (4.00000e+04,1.05546e+02)};
\addplot[color = red] plot coordinates {(3.00000e+04,8.25468e+01) (3.00500e+04,8.27367e+01) (3.01000e+04,8.29124e+01) (3.01500e+04,8.30746e+01) (3.02000e+04,8.32243e+01) (3.02500e+04,8.33623e+01) (3.03000e+04,8.34897e+01) (3.03500e+04,8.36071e+01) (3.04000e+04,8.37157e+01) (3.04500e+04,8.38163e+01) (3.05000e+04,8.39098e+01) (3.05500e+04,8.39969e+01) (3.06000e+04,8.40785e+01) (3.06500e+04,8.41553e+01) (3.07000e+04,8.42280e+01) (3.07500e+04,8.42973e+01) (3.08000e+04,8.43637e+01) (3.08500e+04,8.44278e+01) (3.09000e+04,8.44902e+01) (3.09500e+04,8.45513e+01) (3.10000e+04,8.46116e+01) (3.10500e+04,8.46714e+01) (3.11000e+04,8.47313e+01) (3.11500e+04,8.47914e+01) (3.12000e+04,8.48522e+01) (3.12500e+04,8.49139e+01) (3.13000e+04,8.49768e+01) (3.13500e+04,8.50411e+01) (3.14000e+04,8.51072e+01) (3.14500e+04,8.51751e+01) (3.15000e+04,8.52452e+01) (3.15500e+04,8.53175e+01) (3.16000e+04,8.53923e+01) (3.16500e+04,8.54697e+01) (3.17000e+04,8.55499e+01) (3.17500e+04,8.56329e+01) (3.18000e+04,8.57190e+01) (3.18500e+04,8.58083e+01) (3.19000e+04,8.59009e+01) (3.19500e+04,8.59968e+01) (3.20000e+04,8.60962e+01) (3.20500e+04,8.61992e+01) (3.21000e+04,8.63059e+01) (3.21500e+04,8.64164e+01) (3.22000e+04,8.65308e+01) (3.22500e+04,8.66492e+01) (3.23000e+04,8.67716e+01) (3.23500e+04,8.68981e+01) (3.24000e+04,8.70289e+01) (3.24500e+04,8.71640e+01) (3.25000e+04,8.73036e+01) (3.25500e+04,8.74477e+01) (3.26000e+04,8.75964e+01) (3.26500e+04,8.77499e+01) (3.27000e+04,8.79082e+01) (3.27500e+04,8.80715e+01) (3.28000e+04,8.82399e+01) (3.28500e+04,8.84135e+01) (3.29000e+04,8.85925e+01) (3.29500e+04,8.87771e+01) (3.30000e+04,8.89674e+01) (3.30500e+04,8.91637e+01) (3.31000e+04,8.93660e+01) (3.31500e+04,8.95748e+01) (3.32000e+04,8.97902e+01) (3.32500e+04,9.00126e+01) (3.33000e+04,9.02423e+01) (3.33500e+04,9.04798e+01) (3.34000e+04,9.07254e+01) (3.34500e+04,9.09797e+01) (3.35000e+04,9.12434e+01) (3.35500e+04,9.15170e+01) (3.36000e+04,9.18016e+01) (3.36500e+04,9.20981e+01) (3.37000e+04,9.24076e+01) (3.37500e+04,9.27317e+01) (3.38000e+04,9.30721e+01) (3.38500e+04,9.34308e+01) (3.39000e+04,9.38104e+01) (3.39500e+04,9.42141e+01) (3.40000e+04,9.46459e+01) (3.40500e+04,9.51107e+01) (3.41000e+04,9.56148e+01) (3.41500e+04,9.61661e+01) (3.42000e+04,9.67748e+01) (3.42500e+04,9.74543e+01) (3.43000e+04,9.82220e+01) (3.43500e+04,9.91014e+01) (3.44000e+04,1.00124e+02) (3.44500e+04,1.01334e+02) (3.45000e+04,1.02747e+02) (3.45500e+04,1.04665e+02) (3.46000e+04,1.07019e+02) (3.46500e+04,1.10232e+02) (3.47000e+04,1.14870e+02) (3.47500e+04,1.19573e+02) (3.48000e+04,1.15903e+02) (3.48500e+04,1.11611e+02) (3.49000e+04,1.08808e+02) (3.49500e+04,1.06910e+02) (3.50000e+04,1.05579e+02) (3.50500e+04,1.04632e+02) (3.51000e+04,1.03961e+02) (3.51500e+04,1.03496e+02) (3.52000e+04,1.03188e+02) (3.52500e+04,1.03005e+02) (3.53000e+04,1.02923e+02) (3.53500e+04,1.02924e+02) (3.54000e+04,1.02996e+02) (3.54500e+04,1.03130e+02) (3.55000e+04,1.03323e+02) (3.55500e+04,1.03571e+02) (3.56000e+04,1.03878e+02) (3.56500e+04,1.04249e+02) (3.57000e+04,1.04699e+02) (3.57500e+04,1.05260e+02) (3.58000e+04,1.06009e+02) (3.58500e+04,1.07220e+02) (3.59000e+04,1.11047e+02) (3.59500e+04,9.80319e+01) (3.60000e+04,1.04730e+02) (3.60500e+04,1.06237e+02) (3.61000e+04,1.07117e+02) (3.61500e+04,1.07630e+02) (3.62000e+04,1.07719e+02) (3.62500e+04,1.07298e+02) (3.63000e+04,1.06382e+02) (3.63500e+04,1.05100e+02) (3.64000e+04,1.03624e+02) (3.64500e+04,1.02092e+02) (3.65000e+04,1.00604e+02) (3.65500e+04,9.92324e+01) (3.66000e+04,9.80360e+01) (3.66500e+04,9.70657e+01) (3.67000e+04,9.63560e+01) (3.67500e+04,9.59150e+01) (3.68000e+04,9.57213e+01) (3.68500e+04,9.57318e+01) (3.69000e+04,9.58956e+01) (3.69500e+04,9.61660e+01) (3.70000e+04,9.65059e+01) (3.70500e+04,9.68891e+01) (3.71000e+04,9.72980e+01) (3.71500e+04,9.77219e+01) (3.72000e+04,9.81542e+01) (3.72500e+04,9.85915e+01) (3.73000e+04,9.90324e+01) (3.73500e+04,9.94768e+01) (3.74000e+04,9.99251e+01) (3.74500e+04,1.00378e+02) (3.75000e+04,1.00838e+02) (3.75500e+04,1.01307e+02) (3.76000e+04,1.01786e+02) (3.76500e+04,1.02277e+02) (3.77000e+04,1.02784e+02) (3.77500e+04,1.03308e+02) (3.78000e+04,1.03854e+02) (3.78500e+04,1.04424e+02) (3.79000e+04,1.05024e+02) (3.79500e+04,1.05658e+02) (3.80000e+04,1.06332e+02) (3.80500e+04,1.07056e+02) (3.81000e+04,1.07839e+02) (3.81500e+04,1.08696e+02) (3.82000e+04,1.09646e+02) (3.82500e+04,1.10718e+02) (3.83000e+04,1.11955e+02) (3.83500e+04,1.13422e+02) (3.84000e+04,1.15231e+02) (3.84500e+04,1.17571e+02) (3.85000e+04,1.20798e+02) (3.85500e+04,1.25316e+02) (3.86000e+04,1.32412e+02) (3.86500e+04,1.25218e+02) (3.87000e+04,1.20853e+02) (3.87500e+04,1.18104e+02) (3.88000e+04,1.16204e+02) (3.88500e+04,1.14783e+02) (3.89000e+04,1.13646e+02) (3.89500e+04,1.12685e+02) (3.90000e+04,1.11840e+02) (3.90500e+04,1.11079e+02) (3.91000e+04,1.10381e+02) (3.91500e+04,1.09737e+02) (3.92000e+04,1.09139e+02) (3.92500e+04,1.08581e+02) (3.93000e+04,1.08059e+02) (3.93500e+04,1.07571e+02) (3.94000e+04,1.07113e+02) (3.94500e+04,1.06684e+02) (3.95000e+04,1.06279e+02) (3.95500e+04,1.05899e+02) (3.96000e+04,1.05541e+02) (3.96500e+04,1.05203e+02) (3.97000e+04,1.04884e+02) (3.97500e+04,1.04582e+02) (3.98000e+04,1.04296e+02) (3.98500e+04,1.04026e+02) (3.99000e+04,1.03769e+02) (3.99500e+04,1.03525e+02) (4.00000e+04,1.03294e+02)};
\addplot[color = black] plot coordinates {(3.00000e+04,8.31253e+01) (3.00500e+04,8.32589e+01) (3.01000e+04,8.33906e+01) (3.01500e+04,8.35206e+01) (3.02000e+04,8.36495e+01) (3.02500e+04,8.37774e+01) (3.03000e+04,8.39045e+01) (3.03500e+04,8.40312e+01) (3.04000e+04,8.41573e+01) (3.04500e+04,8.42831e+01) (3.05000e+04,8.44087e+01) (3.05500e+04,8.45340e+01) (3.06000e+04,8.46590e+01) (3.06500e+04,8.47836e+01) (3.07000e+04,8.49076e+01) (3.07500e+04,8.50310e+01) (3.08000e+04,8.51535e+01) (3.08500e+04,8.52747e+01) (3.09000e+04,8.53946e+01) (3.09500e+04,8.55125e+01) (3.10000e+04,8.56281e+01) (3.10500e+04,8.57411e+01) (3.11000e+04,8.58508e+01) (3.11500e+04,8.59567e+01) (3.12000e+04,8.60582e+01) (3.12500e+04,8.61547e+01) (3.13000e+04,8.62455e+01) (3.13500e+04,8.63301e+01) (3.14000e+04,8.64077e+01) (3.14500e+04,8.64777e+01) (3.15000e+04,8.65395e+01) (3.15500e+04,8.65928e+01) (3.16000e+04,8.66367e+01) (3.16500e+04,8.66714e+01) (3.17000e+04,8.66966e+01) (3.17500e+04,8.67122e+01) (3.18000e+04,8.67189e+01) (3.18500e+04,8.67168e+01) (3.19000e+04,8.67069e+01) (3.19500e+04,8.66900e+01) (3.20000e+04,8.66677e+01) (3.20500e+04,8.66413e+01) (3.21000e+04,8.66130e+01) (3.21500e+04,8.65841e+01) (3.22000e+04,8.65570e+01) (3.22500e+04,8.65341e+01) (3.23000e+04,8.65171e+01) (3.23500e+04,8.65086e+01) (3.24000e+04,8.65101e+01) (3.24500e+04,8.65238e+01) (3.25000e+04,8.65506e+01) (3.25500e+04,8.65924e+01) (3.26000e+04,8.66501e+01) (3.26500e+04,8.67234e+01) (3.27000e+04,8.68132e+01) (3.27500e+04,8.69188e+01) (3.28000e+04,8.70404e+01) (3.28500e+04,8.71769e+01) (3.29000e+04,8.73278e+01) (3.29500e+04,8.74919e+01) (3.30000e+04,8.76681e+01) (3.30500e+04,8.78557e+01) (3.31000e+04,8.80537e+01) (3.31500e+04,8.82612e+01) (3.32000e+04,8.84774e+01) (3.32500e+04,8.87014e+01) (3.33000e+04,8.89341e+01) (3.33500e+04,8.91748e+01) (3.34000e+04,8.94221e+01) (3.34500e+04,8.96785e+01) (3.35000e+04,8.99434e+01) (3.35500e+04,9.02170e+01) (3.36000e+04,9.05023e+01) (3.36500e+04,9.07988e+01) (3.37000e+04,9.11072e+01) (3.37500e+04,9.14378e+01) (3.38000e+04,9.17857e+01) (3.38500e+04,9.21519e+01) (3.39000e+04,9.25510e+01) (3.39500e+04,9.29747e+01) (3.40000e+04,9.34373e+01) (3.40500e+04,9.39422e+01) (3.41000e+04,9.44977e+01) (3.41500e+04,9.51128e+01) (3.42000e+04,9.57988e+01) (3.42500e+04,9.65694e+01) (3.43000e+04,9.74422e+01) (3.43500e+04,9.84393e+01) (3.44000e+04,9.95903e+01) (3.44500e+04,1.00935e+02) (3.45000e+04,1.02488e+02) (3.45500e+04,1.04545e+02) (3.46000e+04,1.07043e+02) (3.46500e+04,1.10448e+02) (3.47000e+04,1.15660e+02) (3.47500e+04,1.23654e+02) (3.48000e+04,1.17959e+02) (3.48500e+04,1.12552e+02) (3.49000e+04,1.09363e+02) (3.49500e+04,1.07223e+02) (3.50000e+04,1.05686e+02) (3.50500e+04,1.04544e+02) (3.51000e+04,1.03685e+02) (3.51500e+04,1.03039e+02) (3.52000e+04,1.02565e+02) (3.52500e+04,1.02232e+02) (3.53000e+04,1.02019e+02) (3.53500e+04,1.01912e+02) (3.54000e+04,1.01902e+02) (3.54500e+04,1.01982e+02) (3.55000e+04,1.02150e+02) (3.55500e+04,1.02408e+02) (3.56000e+04,1.02758e+02) (3.56500e+04,1.03212e+02) (3.57000e+04,1.03789e+02) (3.57500e+04,1.04526e+02) (3.58000e+04,1.05513e+02) (3.58500e+04,1.07041e+02) (3.59000e+04,1.11331e+02) (3.59500e+04,9.84875e+01) (3.60000e+04,1.06023e+02) (3.60500e+04,1.08421e+02) (3.61000e+04,1.10412e+02) (3.61500e+04,1.12159e+02) (3.62000e+04,1.13176e+02) (3.62500e+04,1.12870e+02) (3.63000e+04,1.11487e+02) (3.63500e+04,1.09762e+02) (3.64000e+04,1.08116e+02) (3.64500e+04,1.06676e+02) (3.65000e+04,1.05458e+02) (3.65500e+04,1.04448e+02) (3.66000e+04,1.03623e+02) (3.66500e+04,1.02966e+02) (3.67000e+04,1.02458e+02) (3.67500e+04,1.02085e+02) (3.68000e+04,1.01831e+02) (3.68500e+04,1.01684e+02) (3.69000e+04,1.01631e+02) (3.69500e+04,1.01658e+02) (3.70000e+04,1.01758e+02) (3.70500e+04,1.01919e+02) (3.71000e+04,1.02123e+02) (3.71500e+04,1.02388e+02) (3.72000e+04,1.02685e+02) (3.72500e+04,1.03012e+02) (3.73000e+04,1.03369e+02) (3.73500e+04,1.03752e+02) (3.74000e+04,1.04156e+02) (3.74500e+04,1.04581e+02) (3.75000e+04,1.05025e+02) (3.75500e+04,1.05486e+02) (3.76000e+04,1.05965e+02) (3.76500e+04,1.06461e+02) (3.77000e+04,1.06976e+02) (3.77500e+04,1.07511e+02) (3.78000e+04,1.08068e+02) (3.78500e+04,1.08650e+02) (3.79000e+04,1.09261e+02) (3.79500e+04,1.09905e+02) (3.80000e+04,1.10588e+02) (3.80500e+04,1.11319e+02) (3.81000e+04,1.12107e+02) (3.81500e+04,1.12965e+02) (3.82000e+04,1.13911e+02) (3.82500e+04,1.14970e+02) (3.83000e+04,1.16176e+02) (3.83500e+04,1.17581e+02) (3.84000e+04,1.19269e+02) (3.84500e+04,1.21379e+02) (3.85000e+04,1.24153e+02) (3.85500e+04,1.27844e+02) (3.86000e+04,1.36276e+02) (3.86500e+04,1.31359e+02) (3.87000e+04,1.26214e+02) (3.87500e+04,1.22794e+02) (3.88000e+04,1.20337e+02) (3.88500e+04,1.18423e+02) (3.89000e+04,1.16846e+02) (3.89500e+04,1.15496e+02) (3.90000e+04,1.14313e+02) (3.90500e+04,1.13258e+02) (3.91000e+04,1.12304e+02) (3.91500e+04,1.11437e+02) (3.92000e+04,1.10642e+02) (3.92500e+04,1.09909e+02) (3.93000e+04,1.09230e+02) (3.93500e+04,1.08599e+02) (3.94000e+04,1.08009e+02) (3.94500e+04,1.07457e+02) (3.95000e+04,1.06940e+02) (3.95500e+04,1.06454e+02) (3.96000e+04,1.05996e+02) (3.96500e+04,1.05566e+02) (3.97000e+04,1.05160e+02) (3.97500e+04,1.04777e+02) (3.98000e+04,1.04416e+02) (3.98500e+04,1.04075e+02) (3.99000e+04,1.03754e+02) (3.99500e+04,1.03451e+02) (4.00000e+04,1.03167e+02)};
\legend{BE\\Quiet\\Wave env.\\}
\end{tikzpicture} } }
\caption{Zoomed version of ....}
\label{fig:axibal8a_spl} \end{center} \end{figure}
Monday, 2 March 2009
Permanent ubuntu shares
from http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nfs-server-and-client-configuration-in-ubuntu.html
On all machines:
sudo apt-get install portmap nfs-common nfs-kernel-server
On the exporting machine(s):
Edit /etc/exports. Specify local folders to export. Eg.
/home/mymachine/data/d4,async) 213.334.248.237(rw,async)
opens the directories to all local machines, and the address 213.334 etc.
After change:
sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
On the mounting machines: On the fly:
On the mounting machines: With fstab:
Add lines:
server.mydomain.com:/files /files nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr
Firewall ports:
Open 32771, 111 and 2049
On all machines:
sudo apt-get install portmap nfs-common nfs-kernel-server
On the exporting machine(s):
Edit /etc/exports. Specify local folders to export. Eg.
/home/mymachine/data/d4,async) 213.334.248.237(rw,async)
opens the directories to all local machines, and the address 213.334 etc.
After change:
sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
On the mounting machines: On the fly:
sudo mount server.mydomain.com:/files /files
Possible restart required:
sudo /etc/init.d/portmap restart
sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart
---------------On the mounting machines: With fstab:
Add lines:
server.mydomain.com:/files /files nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr
Firewall ports:
Open 32771, 111 and 2049
sudo apt-get install sshfs
Add users to the fuse group:
sudo adduser username fuse (i found this not to be required)
mount the remote file systems:
sshfs loginname@ipaddress:/pathtoremotedir /pathtolocalmountpoint
These are temporary. When the ssh tunnel fails, the access is lost. After a period
of inactivity, the connection is dropped.
Add users to the fuse group:
sudo adduser username fuse (i found this not to be required)
mount the remote file systems:
sshfs loginname@ipaddress:/pathtoremotedir /pathtolocalmountpoint
These are temporary. When the ssh tunnel fails, the access is lost. After a period
of inactivity, the connection is dropped.
[NO-NAME] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file runtime/orte_init_stage1.c at line 182
OpenMPI failure (fixed)
$ mpiexec -n 4 fe2.py
[host-desktop1:09127] [NO-NAME] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file runtime/orte_init_stage1.c at line 182
It looks like orte_init failed for some reason; your parallel process is
likely to abort. There are many reasons that a parallel process can
fail during orte_init; some of which are due to configuration or
environment problems. This failure appears to be an internal failure;
here's some additional information (which may only be relevant to an
Open MPI developer):
orte_rml_base_select failed
--> Returned value -13 instead of ORTE_SUCCESS
[host-desktop1:09127] [NO-NAME] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file runtime/orte_system_init.c at line 42
[host-desktop1:09127] [NO-NAME] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file runtime/orte_init.c at line 52
Open RTE was unable to initialize properly. The error occured while
attempting to orte_init(). Returned value -13 instead of ORTE_SUCCESS.
Reinstall, from a fresh build.
cd downloads
wget http://www.open-mpi.org/software/ompi/v1.3/downloads/openmpi-1.3.tar.gz
tar xzf openmpi-1.3.tar.gz
Reading the README showed, PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH need a specific entry. ompi_info, a program residing in/bin reports the MPI status, but it's location is of more interest.
whereis ompi_info
ompi_info: /usr/bin/ompi_info /usr/share/man/man1/ompi_info.1.gz
So /usr/bin needs to be in PATH, and /usr/lib needs to be in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Checking .bashrc showed LD_LIBRARY_PATH was wiped on its instantiation. The first line was changed from
and things started working again.
$ mpiexec -n 4 fe2.py
[host-desktop1:09127] [NO-NAME] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file runtime/orte_init_stage1.c at line 182
It looks like orte_init failed for some reason; your parallel process is
likely to abort. There are many reasons that a parallel process can
fail during orte_init; some of which are due to configuration or
environment problems. This failure appears to be an internal failure;
here's some additional information (which may only be relevant to an
Open MPI developer):
orte_rml_base_select failed
--> Returned value -13 instead of ORTE_SUCCESS
[host-desktop1:09127] [NO-NAME] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file runtime/orte_system_init.c at line 42
[host-desktop1:09127] [NO-NAME] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file runtime/orte_init.c at line 52
Open RTE was unable to initialize properly. The error occured while
attempting to orte_init(). Returned value -13 instead of ORTE_SUCCESS.
Reinstall, from a fresh build.
cd downloads
wget http://www.open-mpi.org/software/ompi/v1.3/downloads/openmpi-1.3.tar.gz
tar xzf openmpi-1.3.tar.gz
Reading the README showed, PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH need a specific entry. ompi_info, a program residing in
whereis ompi_info
ompi_info: /usr/bin/ompi_info /usr/share/man/man1/ompi_info.1.gz
So /usr/bin needs to be in PATH, and /usr/lib needs to be in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Checking .bashrc showed LD_LIBRARY_PATH was wiped on its instantiation. The first line was changed from
and things started working again.
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Ipython's not behaving as expected; this is hardy. I think i installed it
early on, with
sudo apt-get install ipython
on running it, arange doesn't work. I can't install pylab etc. Start again.
$ sudo aptitude install bzr
$ bzr branch lp:ipython
Read the installation instructions and found:
$ sudo easy_install ipython[kernel,security,test]
this bloody failed, too. Try:
$ sudo easy_install ipython
seems ok.
This same command, seems to safely update ipython, too! The change from 0.8.1 to 0.9.1 was seamless. Numpy, scipy and my modules import fine. ipcluster didn't work, though: twisted
was required.
$ sudo easy_install twisted
amazing. It worked. Now foolscap is missing.
$ sudo easy_install foolscap
Unbelievable. It worked, and
$ ipcluster -n 4
works, too.
Update, May 2013:
now works!
early on, with
sudo apt-get install ipython
on running it, arange doesn't work. I can't install pylab etc. Start again.
$ sudo aptitude install bzr
$ bzr branch lp:ipython
Read the installation instructions and found:
$ sudo easy_install ipython[kernel,security,test]
this bloody failed, too. Try:
$ sudo easy_install ipython
seems ok.
This same command, seems to safely update ipython, too! The change from 0.8.1 to 0.9.1 was seamless. Numpy, scipy and my modules import fine. ipcluster didn't work, though: twisted
was required.
$ sudo easy_install twisted
amazing. It worked. Now foolscap is missing.
$ sudo easy_install foolscap
Unbelievable. It worked, and
$ ipcluster -n 4
works, too.
Update, May 2013:
sudo apt-get install ipython-notebook python-matplotlib \
python-scipy python-pandas python-sympy python-nose
now works!
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