Tuesday 26 February 2013

subfig and figure parameters.

Adjusting caption behaviour:

singlelinecheck=True : sets centre justified if a one line caption.

parskip=5pt    : Set a vertical gap when a new paragraph starts in the caption.

hangindent=10pt  : Lines other than the first line in each paragraph are indented by 10pt.

indention = 10pt :  All  lines are indented equally.   Combining this with hangindent results in lines other than the first being indented more.

The singlelinecheck results in left justified short captions; not nice to my eye.

The caption width matches that of the figure unless margin is specified,

margin=10pt  sets a gap, both sides around the caption relative to the figure.

format = hang     seems to set the subfig label (a / b / c etc) away from the caption body.  Ugly, imho.

Set with, for example,

\captionsetup[subfigure]{style=default, indention=10pt}

\captionsetup[figure]{width=0.8\textwidth, indention=5pt}

font size in pgfplots plots.

legend style = {font = \small}

Thursday 21 February 2013

Tuesday 12 February 2013

sorted du

$ du -h --max-depth=2 | sort -h