Monday 11 September 2017

Replacing files with zipped versions

Previously this was interesting as drive space was a premium. Now it's access speed. So to get our files to and from the cloud as quickly as possible, use compressed files where possible. Julia will deal with compressed files easily. So before the first upload, replace all .O07 files with .O07.bz2:
$ find . type f -name "*.O07" -exec bzip2 {} /;
Check out the amount of space used / saved:
$ find . -iname '*.O07' -print0 | du -ch --files0-from=-
I'm getting about reduction to 25% original with these.

Saturday 2 September 2017

multiple versions of julia side-by-side

in my ~/bin directory i have julia0.5 which contains bin, etc, include, lib, libexec etc etc. Add to .bashrc: alias julia05='~/bin/julia0.5/bin/julia' and the shared libraries etc all 'just work'.