Thursday 22 April 2010

wget to pull sites.

wget -r -l10

recursive, 10 levels deep.

Friday 16 April 2010

mount remote windows directories

sudo apt-get install smbfs
sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp
sudo mount -t smbfs //192.168.1.xx/World\ of\ Warcraft /mnt/tmp -o username=dr,password=whatever

Thursday 15 April 2010

Non sudo shutdown

Create a group of users called, `shutdown' who are able to do this:

$ groupadd shutdown

Add users to this new group, by editing /etc/group
Add the following:


Specify the commands these users / this group can access without sudo:

$ visudo

and add the following lines.

%shutdown ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/reboot
%shutdown ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/halt
%shutdown ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown

and now,

$ sudo shutdown -h now

should not require a password, if the correct user attempts it.

Post modified from


2009/2010: Inheritance tax starts at 325k

Tories propose to increase this to 1000k : more money for the rich, no affect on those receiving inheritance sums upto 325k. Compare to house prices this year.

`no ID cards, no ContactPoint database, consent required to fingerprint children, stricter CCTV regulations, and tighter restrictions on whose DNA profiles can be retained by police.

On the Interception Modernisation Programme, which would demand ISPs retain details of the customers' communications in case intelligence or law enforcement agencies want to access them, he left more room for manoeuvre, saying: "We won't hold your internet and email records when there is just no reason to do so."'

IMP: Look that up...

Private conversations getting people nicked for `indecency':

Thursday 8 April 2010

ls examples

sort in size order, largest last:

(all (inc hidden), coloured, columns, directory names (not contents), l (verbose details), h(uman readable), r(everse order), S(ort by size)

ls -ChlarS

Wednesday 7 April 2010

flv file download

Watch the file

Navigate to, about:cache

Find the relevant entry. Right click, open in new tab

In the new tab, right click the link: save as.

Rename as required.

Also possible: inpect the cache as above, to get the disk address. Navigate here, find the largest, newest file, and copy it: rename as appropriate. The cache must be turned on for this to work.