Saturday 24 January 2009

Finding text in files / replacing text in files.


for i in `find -name "*.tex"`; do grep -H "sample string" $i; done

or even,

grep -r --include=*.tex "ipcluster" ./

(but don't tell Gavbo)

To show all lines containing, 'flow' but not 'viscous':

grep -r --include=*.tex "flow" ./ | grep --invert-match "viscous"

Finding, and displaying a few lines after: Use -A. -B for 'before'

for i in `find -name "*.tex"`; do grep -H "sample string" -A 2 $i; done

Replacing: From

for file in /home/clients/*/*/conf/httpd.include ; do
sed -e 's/' "$file"
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------

to show the effect without making changes, and

for file in /home/clients/*/*/conf/httpd.include ; do
sed -e 's/' "$file" > tmp_file
mv tmp_file "$file"

Using find:
Check operation:
$ for i in `find -name "*.tex"`; do sed -e 's/sample string/replace string/g' "$i" ; done

Commit to changes:
$ for i in `find -name "*.tex"`; do sed -e 's/sample string/replace string/g' "$i" > tmp_file; mv tmp_file "$i"; done

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