Friday 13 February 2009

screengrabs with ubuntu


# from
# call as screenshot scr or screenshot win or screenshot area
# Saves to folder, ~/screenshots/, making it if required.
# Map to printscreen key, keycode 111 by mapping it to F13 in ~/.xinitrc by adding,
# xmodmap -e "keycode 111 = F13" before fluxbox is called.
# Then add the line, 'None F13 :execCommand screenshot scr' to ~/.fluxbox/keys

DATE="$(date +%Y%m%d@%H%M%S)"

# Check if the dir to store the screenshots exists, else create it:
if [ ! -d "${DIR}" ]; then mkdir "${DIR}"; fi

# Screenshot a selected window
if [ "$1" = "win" ]; then import "${NAME}"; fi

# Screenshot the entire screen
if [ "$1" = "scr" ]; then import -window root "${NAME}"; fi

# Screenshot a selected area
if [ "$1" = "area" ]; then import "${NAME}"; fi

if [[ $# = 0 ]]; then
# Display a warning if no area defined
echo "No screenshot area has been specified. Screenshot not taken."
echo "${DATE}: No screenshot area has been defined. Screenshot not taken." >> "${LOG}"
# Save the screenshot in the directory and edit the log
echo "${NAME}" >> "${LOG}"

edit ~/.fluxbox/keys to include:

None F13 :execCommand ~/screenshot scr

Edit the startup script, in this case, ~/.fluxbox/startup to include:

xmodmap -e "keycode 111 = F13"

And press PrtScrn after restarting X.

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